Linn-Livingston BA work day

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Alan Brock Work day at Grand Oaks for the Linn-Livingston Baptist Association.

Heartland Baptist Association Work Days

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Jerry Palmer Working around Grand oaks to get ready for the summer camp season.

LLBA and NGR Work Day

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

It's time for spring cleaning here at Grand Oaks and getting ready for summer camps.  We have various projects and items that need volunteer help to accomplish.  If you are willing and able to help vacuum, wash, windows, haul brush, or be an able bodied person, we have something for you.  The work day is […]

Grand Oaks Board Meeting

Dining Hall - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 STATE HIGHWAY 190, CHILLICOTHE, MO, United States

Campers on Mission Spring Rally

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

  Campers On Mission Grand Oaks will be hosting the Campers on Mission Spring Rally.  During the rally work on various projects is planned.  If you are interested in learning more about Campers on Mission visit their website at MO COM ( Jim & Cheryl Rawlings Co-Presidents Denny & Linda Ball Co-Vice Presidents

Stanberry BC Youth Work Day

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


Grand Oaks Board Meeting

Dining Hall - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 STATE HIGHWAY 190, CHILLICOTHE, MO, United States

Grand Oaks Board Meeting

Laura Street Youth Work Team

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


Work Day – LLBA Churches

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


CMS Cares Work Day

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States