Intro to Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

A time for parents and kids in grades 1-3 to get a taste of what camp is like. Campers spend an afternoon, evening, overnight and morning at Grand Oaks doing […]

Missouri Valley Youth

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


St Joseph Children’s Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


Heartland Children’s Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


New Life Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States


1000 Hills Children’s Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

1000 Hills Childrens Camp Aug 7-11

Girl Scout Service Unit 820 Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States