Recent Videos Gallery
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A Sampling of Camp Life
Water Sports Gallery
Strolling with friends
Rock Wall
Fishing on the dock
Climbing Concentration
Fishing at the Lake
Swimming Pool
Fall Fishing
Church swim party
Girls swim
Loading from the dock
Catching Bluegill
Splash Down
Paddle Boating
Pool Swim Time
Lifeguard paddle boarding
Grand Oaks Campus
activities Gallery
Having fun together
Hand made bows
Basketball court buddies
Mini Golf
Camper meeting
Group activities
Campfire Pit and Stage
Night volleyball
Four Square
Campfire gathering
Great Outdoorsman Day
Sand Volleyball
Obstacle Course
Basketball clinic
Group games on the Ball Field
Icebreaker games
Team building
Rainy day sports
Facilities Gallery
Reminder of God’s Promise
Basketball court and Dining Hall
Pierce Hall
Riverview benches
Riverview in the fall
Crafts in the Retreat Center
Retreat Center
Nurses Station
The Old Lodge
Warm hearth and rustic charm.
Session in The Old Lodge
Archery demonstration in Chapel
Drama time in the Chapel
Youth Pastor speaking in the Chapel
Games in the Chapel
Chapel worship
Lunch in the Dining Hall
GaGa Ball pit
Awesome Lifeguards end of season dinner
Session in Retreat Center
Intro to Camp kitchen helpers
Grand Oaks
Entrance bench
Grand Oaks Camp Lifers
Grand Oaks Entrance