**Willard Family Reunion

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Larry Willard Using pool from 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Using Dining Hall

**Pratt Family Reunion

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Wendy Hendershot

Intro to Camp

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Intro to Camp 2019 Flyer

Rodenberg Swim Party

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Swimming from 2-4 pm.

MacWilliams Swim Party

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Swimming from 5-7 pm.