Pickering Pool Party

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Allison Pickering Swimming from 2:30-4:30 pm.

Free Methodist Pool Party

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Brenda Toot Swimming from 6-8 pm.

*Genesis Church – Youth Retreat

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Ben Schnipper Using the Old Lodge, Chapel, Retreat Center and Pierce Hall Swimming on Saturday 1-3 pm and Sunday 5-7 pm

*Burtch Birthday Party

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Nancy Burtch Using the Dining Hall and swimming from 4-6 pm.

**Jones Family Reunion

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Anna Sue Spohn Using the Dining Hall Swimming from 2-4 pm.

Heartland Baptist Association Camp Life

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

HBA Camp Life: Monday, August 5 thru Friday, August 9, 2019. For grades 6-12. Begins @ 10 AM & ends at 10 AM. Theme: “REBOOT” based on Hebrews 10:29. Aaron Gudde is Camp Director. Dave Nixdorf will be Camp Pastor.

Cakranata Pool Party

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Yuli Cakranata Using patio beginning at 1:30 Swimming from 2-4

Grace Family Fellowship Pool Party

Pool - Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

Ean Leppin Swimming from 1-3  

Rev. James Marshall Memorial Service

Grand Oaks Baptist Assembly, Inc. 9463 State Highway 190, Chillicothe, MO, United States

A memorial service will be held in the Chapel for Reverend James Marshall beginning at 2 pm. Maty Axtel is the contact person.